Alacazem 2009.03.19

Alacazem 2009.03.19

March 19 to 26, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter
Evening: Venus and Saturn

On March 20th, at 5:44 a.m. MDT, the Sun enters the cardinal fire-sign of Aries the Ram and the emerging season of spring begins. We experience a day of equal light and dark, a brief 24 hours of celestial balance and cosmic equilibrium. We are entering the season of increasing light, the season of planting and growth. It’s time to touch and till the soil, plan our gardens and gather our seeds. Spring Equinox heralds the beginning of our natural solar year, and it’s a time when we instinctively align with the energies of renewal and rebirth.

DSC00862 Spring here in the West End means baby lambs and calves, fresh green grass and budding lilacs. Farmers are burning their ditches and fields, smoky blue spires rise across the mesa as they prepare the land for irrigation. Bald eagles gather for migration north and roost in old piñon and cottonwood, hunt prairie dogs and snatch field mice in the open pastures below. The San Juans and La Sals are still covered with snow, glowing white the distance, laced with blue-grey rock and thick black forest. The skies are home to wispy cirrus and pouffy cumulus clouds, jet trails lay tracks and make enormous crosses in the atmosphere above. Everywhere there is new life.

Spring is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. May you discover the joy of rebirth and rewards of courage as you cultivate the best within and blaze fresh trails toward glittering, glimmering new horizons.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Your birthday month begins with Spring Equinox and the first day of the natural solar year. Take note that 2009 is one that will require more focus and discipline than those previous. Pluto in Capricorn challenges naiveté, immaturity and self-indulgence. You are being asked to commit, concentrate and manifest magic via hard work, effort and ability.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Springtime kicks off a season of spiritual rebirth for the Bull. As the Mother Earth awakens and soils soften with the warmth of solar rays, you feel the stirrings of your soul. Embrace the magic and mystery of the natural world as you pay homage to all that is life. Professional arenas expand as others see you in a favorable light. Enjoy the joy.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Professional pressures and breakthroughs continue. Now that you’ve made some decisions and taken action to retrofit and re-create your career, you feel better. Congratulations, you’re on the road and heading in the right direction! Maintain restraint when it comes to indulgence, be practical and realistic with money, and focus on production.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
You may be in the news or in the limelight as spring winds blow recognition your way. Even if you don’t see the results on TV or in the paper, know that you’re coming through the collective consciousness via cosmic wavelengths and vibrations. Be careful what you do or say now as it will come out in public some way, shape or form.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Because March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, there is a symbiotic, cosmic resonance between springtime and your spirit. Embrace the magic of rebirth, explore the wonders of the Mother Earth and travel to places that awaken your soul. This is not the time to be timid or shy, but operate with respect and refrain from grandiosity.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
The winds of change are blowing hard. Springtime initiates a zodiac month of attention to and focus on finance and financial involvements. Where do you over-spend and where can you cut back? Economic trends encourage prudence and you know in your heart exactly what that means. Live by your own ethics and simply do the next right thing.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Balance and harmony fuel your spirit and the dream of peace fills your soul. Spring Equinox is the essence of cosmic equilibrium and a day for living your dreams. Walk your talk, cultivate grace and discover inner serenity. Let go of what you cannot control and accept people, places and things exactly as they are. Do your best and lead by example.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may feel slightly out of synch or as if things just aren’t working out the way you think best. Recognize that you may not always know what’s right for you, and certainly not for others. Powerful circumstances demand exceptional patience. Accept what is and know this too, shall pass. Surrender is a form of peace and magic is an act of surrender.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The cosmos pack the universe with heavy hitters in the proverbial planetary lineup. Prepare for the game of your life as celestial emphasis in collective signs pitch social curve balls and relationship strikes. Don’t miss practice and keep your eye on the ball. Stay in shape via healthy foods, clean living and daily fitness routines. Be cool and stay calm.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Pluto in Capricorn forms a tense square to the Sun as spring begins. This influence can undermine trust and stir up power struggles, reawaken old vendettas and stimulate a clash of wills. Maintain composure and stick to calm, realistic plans. The instinctive desire to ram ahead and destroy your opponent won’t work. Think peace.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
A fresh season in our emerging new age blows vitalizing air in to body, mind and spirit. Get out and explore your neighborhood. Talk to friends and contact siblings. Consider a short trip to somewhere close by but intriguing. You are looking for mental stimulation and thought-provoking ideas. Expansion and healing are themes. Seek and you shall find.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
As your birthday month draws to a close and you pack away your presents, take a good look at where you’ve come since the day you were born. The current assessment of your life and relationships reflect quotients of self-esteem and self-value. Recognize the power of choice and accept the responsibility of co-creation. Do the work, reap the harvest.

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