Alacazem 2008.12.05

Alacazem 2008.12.05

December 4 to 11, 2008
Visible Planets:
Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

The magnificently beautiful conjunction of a slender crescent Moon, dazzling Venus and brilliant Jupiter over Thanksgiving weekend gave my heart pause and literally stopped me in my tracks. As an astrologer, I live for these moments and am greatly humbled when I happen to be the grateful recipient of such stunning celestial events. I only hope that others are so fortunate and blessed. Living on a faraway mesa in southwestern Colorado, in a place with virtually no city lights or atmospheric pollution, I am gifted with the crystalline blue-black night skies upon which stars sparkle and comets sail. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy Holidays!

Momentum builds as the Moon grows full. With all planets now moving in forward direction, things happen fast. Remain optimistic, think positive and visualize a prosperous, productive future as you work to manifest it in each and every present moment of your life. Happy, happy and merry, merry!

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon coming together in your solar 9th house of the higher mind has exposed you to a more philanthropic, philosophic world view. Now that you can see the light of enlightenment, stay on the path. Move in positive directions with partners and spouses. Look at the solutions rather than the problems.

Mercury, Mars and the Sun in your solar 7th house of long term commitment and partnership fuels the fires of desire when it comes to being with people you love and enjoy being with. Recognize the difference between helping others and retarding their growth. Lead by example and live the way you want others to be.

Self-improvement and pro-active behaviors for better health top the list of priorities this week as strong Sagittarius energy encourages Moonchildren to love, respect and self-nurture body, mind and spirit. Helpful, attractive partners open doors and present you with golden opportunities for wealth and romance. Walk through them.

Love and romance partner with excitement and desire for a fun week of playful action and inspirational experience. Be as positive, happy and compassionate as possible. Recognize the difference between what you can change and what you cannot. Accept others as they are and count the many blessings of life.

A rather romantic, inspiring week with attractive others has sparked new fires and opened fresh horizons regarding partnership and commitment. Remain positive and focus on well-balanced, healthy behaviors in sharing and pairing. Self-improvement is the path to happiness. Keep your own house clean and forget about “helping” others.

Thoughts and ideas abound regarding global perspectives and new world views. Ethnocentric realities no longer hold water and self-obsessed attitudes simply don’t work. Look beyond the horizon toward solutions for the good of all concerned. Pursue philanthropic projects that benefit the whole rather than the individual. Think free.

With so many planets in collective signs, the signs of the times point to global perspectives and universal laws. Utilize personal talents and abilities in the quest for a better, healthier and more peaceful, conscious world. It’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind and heart to the task. Accept responsibility and be present.

Birthday parties and celebrations of life remind the Archer that along with joy comes a little sorrow. We live in a land of polarities and must experience night to appreciate day. With self-motivation running high, channel energy in positive, productive ways. Refrain from blaming others for what’s wrong with the world and improve your self.

Glowing energy and shimmering vibrations continue to surround and captivate the Mountain Goat as Venus and Jupiter dance toward peace, love and spiritual growth. Open your eyes and your heart to the sparkling opportunities and multi-faceted possibilities of our ever-expanding universe. Take the high road and follow the light.

Guardian angels and divine forces continue to intervene and entertain you. Say your prayers and follow your intuition. Pay attention to synchronistic events and take action when it comes to manifesting your dreams. Think positive and expand your perspective via enhanced awareness. Keep spending in check and cultivate patience.

Career activities and mental brainstorms abound while home and family continue in the process of restructure. Breaking away from parents or establishing healthy boundaries with children encourages personal growth for all concerned. Being a crutch for another often impedes their progress and healing. Live free and let it be.

Cynthia is a third-generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American southwest. She can be contacted via email at

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