New Season at Telluride Adaptive Sports Program

New Season at Telluride Adaptive Sports Program

Thanksgiving has come and gone, we're still eating the leftover turkey and stuffing, and that means TASP is open for business. We'd love to have more snow, but the weather looks hopeful, and we remember last year, when a slow start resulted in a banner snow year in Telluride.


We do have a few runs open, and I have just spent two days skiing with James Colt, who has been ready for the opening since probably August.

James had a bad rockfall accident two years ago while climbing on the Ophir Wall, not far from Telluride. This resulted in a traumatic brain injury. It has been a rough go for him in the meantime, but he is a fighter. Last year James and I had an encouraging start to the ski season, but our hard work aggravated some old injuries, and we had to call it quits – but just for that season.

James spent the Summer in Telluride walking untold miles, and even more miles on his recumbent bicycle, culminating in a 75 mile ride across the west end of San Miguel County. In addition, James drove himself to Seattle this Fall.

IMG_0259 Skiing with James is amazing. He was a top level skier before his accident. The brief experience last year, and the strong start he has made in the past two days have convinced us both that we don't want to set any artificial limits.

We probably won't make it to the top of the mountain tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet too much money against his getting there eventually.

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