Alacazem 2008.11.27.08

Alacazem 2008.11.27.08

November 27 to December 4, 2008
Visible Planets:
Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

Happy Thanksgiving to All. Don't forget to check out Venus and Jupiter in the southwestern sky at dusk and early evening as they move toward a magnificent, beautiful conjunction with the Moon over the next few days. May your week be filled with kindness, gratitude, joy, peace and love. God bless.

Giving thanks and feeling gratitude are gifts of grace. Discover the comfort and joy of life’s most simple pleasures and experience the magic and miracles of life on this magnificent planet Earth. Breathe, walk, eat and be merry. Express love and experience the glow. Look for angels and embrace them. See beyond the horizon. Explore and travel via body, mind or spirit. Career opportunity glimmers and the world sparkles. Shine on.

The warp speed of the cosmos may have you overwhelmed, perplexed or intrigued. Whatever the manifestation, know that these times are full of creative cosmic change and social breakthrough. You may discover exciting new friends or inspirational avenues of collective expression. Surround yourself with people whom you find unusual, inventive or unique. It’s time to expand mentally and spiritually, explore fresh options and experience the world as one. Focus on the positive and feel the love.

Wild, revolutionary planet Uranus ends its five-month-long period of retrograde this week and turns the red light green when it comes to collective forward progress. The Twins will feel this influence most strongly in their career and professional sector as radical change or major breakthroughs come via sudden, rapid events and experiences. Simply expect the unexpected when it comes to achievement, recognition, social standing or positions of authority. Be willing to accept what comes and go with it.

Benevolent and fortuitous opportunities come via others this week as voluptuous Venus and jovial Jupiter join force in your solar 7th house of relationships. Remain open and willing when it comes to receiving input, accepting gifts and taking in what people have to offer. You will also see and feel a strong desire to expand your circle and partner-up with those you find uplifting, attractive and exciting. It’s definitely time to get out and about, refrain from hermit mentalities and explore the dazzling possibilities of your world.

The holiday season sparks inner, creative fires and flames flicker. It’s time to have some fun! Express yourself artistically and romantically as you tap into the ever-flowing inherent joy of the universe. Economic trends and financial markets may be wavering, but there is always plenty of love in your heart to give and share. See the bigger picture and focus on positive, pro-active right action.  Intention and attention are magical tools and they work when others fail. Be the love, feel the peace and experience the power.

Have you learned how to prune the bush, discard what hurts you and build upon that which empowers and enhances your mental, physical and spiritual health and wealth? Burdens which become too heavy will either crush you beneath their weight or simply keep you from moving forward. Shrug off the gravity, lighten your load and experience the inherent abundance of the universe. A fortuitous planetary conjunction in your solar 5th house of love promises great joy and greater freedom. Keep the faith.

Benefic planets Venus – queen of love, money and beauty – and Jupiter – king of hope, faith and good fortune – come together in your solar 4th house of home and family this week. Keep your eyes to the southwestern skies and your spirits high as relatives gather and good times roll. This is an excellent time for self-nurturing, self-love and self-enhancement. Recognize the power of choice and go in the directions that feel good. Think positive, share laughter and focus on right action. The time is now and you are here.

Mental realms expand as perceptual abilities rise. Look beneath the surface and beyond the physical horizon to uncharted territory and frontiers of unlimited potential and possibility. Empty space is simply not empty. There are invisible forces, non-visible vibrations and energetic wavelengths carrying the electro-magnetic information that whirls and twirls shifts and shapes finite and non-finite realities. Open your mind to the ever-evolving quantum field and live the dreams of magic and miracles. Happy holidays!

Welcome the cosmic reality of your birth-sign and embrace the celestial force of universal, expanding love and spiritual freedom. Faith, generosity, enthusiasm and abundance are the keys to unlocking your own, personal creative potential and living the life you are here on earth to live. Banish the dark clouds of negative thinking and set yourself free. It may sound corny, but it’s imperative that you count your blessings and cultivate a genuine attitude of gratitude.  Give out happy smiles and big hugs.

Lucky you! Jovial Jupiter and velvet Venus join force in your sign this week and shimmer glimmering rays of love and good luck upon you and those with whom you partner. Your personal world expands as you see the positive, creative force behind the events and experiences of which you are a part. Relax and go with the celestial flow as you breathe deep, feel your heart beat and walk in beauty. Angelic influence and spiritual opportunity abounds. Be the best you can be, shine with love and enjoy the grace of gratitude.

Your ruling planet, radical Uranus, ends its five-month period of retrograde this week and suddenly changes the overall energetic direction of your life and relationships. Conditions of stagnation and stasis, feelings of being stuck and held back end abruptly as the dike breaks and celestial waters surge. Hang on to your hat, but go with the flow. Ride the cresting wave of universal, collective change as global markets flex and economies vibrate in a process of restructure and resurrection. Be cool, be kind and be happy.

Snap, crackle, pop! Revolutionary planet Uranus goes direct in your sign just hours prior to the fresh Sagittarian lunation and shortly before the magnificent, stunning conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in earth-centered Capricorn. This translates as a touchstone time of powerful personal creativity and expanding influence. Be the change you want the world to be, embrace the grace of compassion and lead by shining example. You are extremely influential now and what you express is what will be. Be good.

Cynthia is a third-generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American southwest. She can be contacted via email at

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