Alacazem 2008.10.31

Alacazem 2008.10.31

October 31 to November 7, 2008

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn
Evening: Venus and Jupiter

Outside, raking leaves, I am stunned by the magnificence of the day. Deep blue, cerulean skies, warm-hot sun and air so fresh, it sparkles. But then, it’s the legendary season of Indian Summer in Colorado, when natural law defies gravity and we float, weightless, upon a magic carpet of glimmering gold and shimmering silver. We are suspended in time, dancing with the seductive devas of summer heat and yet expecting the snowy face of Old Man Winter to pop in at any moment. Everywhere I look, I see beauty. Fields are gleaming and blonde, mountain peaks are dusted with white and brilliant broadleaf cottonwoods flutter orange and crimson in the canyons. Halloween marks the end of harvest and hearkens the months of darkness. Fires are kindled and spirits cross in the night. Witches fly and ghouls gather as pumpkins glow and ghosts rise from the grave. Throughout the American southwest and the Americas, Dia de los Muertos – Day of the Dead – celebrates the mysterious cycle of life and death with candy skulls, colorful parades and cemetery parties. May we each find the magic, mystery and magnificence of this metaphysical season and shape-shift our reality to one of love, peace and joy. Happy Halloween!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
This is a very big week for the world. The long-coming Saturn-Uranus opposition takes place on Election Day, which portends unprecedented, radical change. Wake up to a courageous new reality, become compassion and commit to self-improvement. It’s time to get serious and let go of what doesn’t work. Witches entice, beware!

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Halloween excites magic and you have more than one seductive offer to trick or treat. Partners and friends abound as you make the rounds and see the sights. Keep a lid on indulgence, as you are likely to feel it the morning after. You may experience a powerful change of heart when it comes to someone important. Give love and experience joy.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Mental Mercury moves from fellow air-sign Libra into intoxicating Scorpio this week, magnetizing issues of self-betterment and self-improvement. Focus on health, work and service. Organize and prioritize, clean and discard. Open up space in your home and workplace as you prepare for sweeping domestic and career change.

(June 22-July 22)
Lots of sizzle, plenty of spark and a bounty of desire fuel Halloween fires and illuminate paths of artistic and romantic creativity. Combine left-brain intelligence with right brain imagination and restructure and redefine the way you perceive and interpret reality. Perhaps spirits are real and ghosts really do exist. Stay open and be ready.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Witchy and wild, Halloween is a holiday of dramatic tricks, delightful tales and delicious treats. Have fun, dress up and indulge in the mystery and magic, but maintain healthy boundaries when it comes to pranks, food and drink. You are being called upon to be a stable force in a radically changing world. Lead by example.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
You are directly involved in everything going on right now. Saturn in your sign plays a starring role in the virtual and actual restructuring of our society, our government and our political and social realities. Forces from the outside are screaming for change and change you must. Choose to be conscious, creative and constructive as you do.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
The smallest steps and the most simple acts have the greatest effect now. Work in the present, stick to the basics and maintain momentum. It’s time to choose between a scarcity mentality or an attitude of gratitude. You are inherently abundant and have everything you need. Accept responsibility and focus on right action.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Your birthday holiday is all about magic, mystery and metaphysics. Cast a spell and stir the witch’s brew as you polish wands, clean crystals and tune up your broom. Personal power is running high, dancing with and embracing creative change. Sweep away doubts of darkness as you fly to the Moon and over many far-distant horizons.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Halloween and Election Day are times when ghosts and ghouls from our political and social past walk the halls and haunt the gallows of collective consciousness. Amidst all this, the Archer finds meaning and direction. Campaign for justice, express your truth and tap in to the divine within. Look for angels, follow the light and do it right.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Structure and responsibility are allies in the Capricorn battle against apathy, lethargy and entropy. Identify goals, make a plan and carve out programs of positive, productive action. Surround yourself with people of good influence and good health. Unlimited potential and expanding possibility are inherent qualities of the Universe. Fly high.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Radical cultural change and social upheaval emanates throughout the cosmos as spirits fly and voters vie for candidates of choice and challenge. Exercise the privilege of democracy and do your duty at the polls. Liberty and freedom are precious, honor them by participation. Others mimic your moves and actions, act wisely.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Uranus in your sign opposes Saturn in Virgo on Election Day. Prepare for some pretty exciting personal exchanges and experiences and you break out of boxes, free yourself from burdens and rewrite reality, as you know it. You can no longer put up with or agree to conditions that are unjust or unfair. Revolutionize and evolve.

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