A Working Vacation

A Working Vacation

Sus interviewing Amb.
Richard Holbrooke 

For me, it is difficult to leave Telluride in any season, but particularly so in the Autumn. In the few days we were home between travels, Susan and I spent every possible moment outdoors, mostly hiking in the hills just behind our house. I expect the next time we are in those hills it will be on snowshoes.

The payoff for being away from Telluride this time is the opportunity to spend time with friends such as Arlene Burns in Mosier, Oregon, and with our daughter, Kimm Viebrock, son-in-law Mike Nesteroff and grandson Matthew, in Bellevue, Washington. Kimm, as it turns out, is our tech go-to person, so much of our daytime is spent working on the technical aspects of making "Telluride Inside… and Out" come together.

In addition, Susan has done several interviews while we have been on the road. One of the new interviews was with Ambassador Richard Holbrooke for Truly Telluride, a new magazine sponsored by Telluride Properties arriving in November 2008.  This continues a series of interesting profiles she began over 15 years ago while writing for the Telluride Daily Planet.

One of the more interesting aspects of doing this on-line magazine is to bring to our readers personal portraits of major players in the performing  and fine arts world, the political world, and the outdoor adventure world. This access is due in no small part to the kind of crossroads community that Telluride is, and this is one part of the Telluride experience we will endeavor to share with our friends on "Telluride Inside… and Out."

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