Holstrom to write a regular feature on Telluride Inside…and Out

Holstrom to write a regular feature on Telluride Inside…and Out

It’s Kris Holstrom here. I’ve lived in the Telluride region for 22 years now. Can’t think of anyplace I’d rather be. My family, husband John, son Kirk and daughter Kelsey lives on Tomten Farm, Hastings Mesa.  You reach our place by turning “up” at Sawpit, climbing through the switchbacks and leveling out in one of the most beautiful places in the world.  I love my job as the Executive Director for The New Community Coalition where I act as the Regional Sustainability Coordinator for Telluride, Mountain Village and San Miguel County.

For many years I wrote a bi-weekly column called “A Growing Concern” for what became the Telluride Daily Planet. Topics ranged from how to care for your houseplants in winter to growing food at 9000’ to current issues in off-grid living and sustainable practices. I hope to continue in this vein here at Telluride Inside with updates on what’s happening on Tomten Farm (a high-altitude, off-grid, permaculture-oriented demonstration farm) and beyond. I’ll also try to keep you up to date on activities of The New Community Coalition.

Just for starters check out our website at www.newcommunitycoalition.org and find the section on the rebate programs available for solar hot water, solar photovoltaics and insulating and sealing your home for the winter. You can also sign up for our on-line newsletter that comes out monthly with details on our activities as well as sustainability happenings around the region.

Saturday night, September 6th, Kim Wheels (our energy specialist) and I will be speaking in Paradox to their sustainability group. We’ll be talking about The New Community Coalition, how we were formed, who we are, what we’ve done so far, and most importantly, what’s on tap for the future. That presentation is at 6:30 at the “red church”.

Monday morning at the Intergovernmental meeting between Telluride, Mountain Village and San Miguel County I’ll be updating the governments on our progress around 10:15. That meeting is in the Mountain Village Town Hall.

For more information about Tomten Farm call me at 970-728-1412 for questions about sustainability The New Community Coalition’s number is 970-728-1340 or reach me at coordinator.tncc@gmail.com.


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