28 Sep Tummy Troubles? Ayurveda Says to Stop Mixing These Foods
In an article in elephant journal, Julie Bernier, a hatha yoga teacher and Ayurveda Wellness Educator, questions the choices many make in combining various foods together and wonders if that has led to health food stores carrying so many types of antacids, antidiarrheals, and laxatives.
Because America is a young nation and a mixing bowl, it lacks a long-standing, time-tested food culture.
Our cuisine is birthed through creativity rather than reasoning or tradition, and we combine all manners of food to please our tongues over our bellies: turduckens, kale/banana/milk smoothies, and Hawaiian pizzas, for example.
But do cheese and pineapple really go together?
Should cantaloupe really be wrapped in cured meat?
Ayurveda warns us that no, some foods simply aren’t meant to be combined.
According to Ayurveda, when foods with different tastes, energies, and post-digestive effects are mixed, they can disturb the agni (digestive fire) and imbalance the doshas (energy principles); leading to gas, fermentation, putrefaction, toxins, and indigestion.
Could our unprecedented culinary experiments be the reason that even health food stores are full of antacids, antidiarrheals, and laxatives?
And one has to wonder why food allergies are such an issue in America. Together with overeating and irregular food habits, our strange food combining habits could be the culprit.
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