
The Durango and Telluride Choral Societies present the world premiere of  “Requiem for Eagles” at a performance entitled “The Dream Lives.” The original music was written by former Telluride Choral Society director Dr. David Lingle and adapted and orchestrated by Dalen Stevens. The production takes place Sunday, October...

15 Mar CultureEventsHealth and FitnessLifestyle Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom: Fundraiser w/Guest Speaker Karen Middleton of Cobalt, 3/15! On Friday, March 15, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom is hosting a fundraiser at a private home in Telluride. Join for an evening of...

15 Mar CultureEventsHealth and FitnessLifestyle Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom: Fundraiser w/Guest Speaker Karen Middleton of Cobalt, 3/15! On Friday, March 15, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom is hosting a fundraiser at a private home in Telluride. Join for an evening of...