
The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library are excited to announce the 2013-14 Cinematheque lineup. The series, entitled “They Came to Telluride: Women Behind the Lens” and programmed by Telluride Film Festival co-artistic director Gary Meyer, explores influential women filmmakers from an international stage, all...

September 19 to 26, 2013   Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter    Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn The Harvest Moon and autumn equinox – two of my favorite celestial events of the year. And in 2013, both take place within days of each other. Wow! I have been...

  September 12 to 18, 2013  Visible Planets:Morning: Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn  As we roll around the wheel, revolve around the Sun, we experience the ups and downs, starts and stops of life. The Mother Earth is a magnificently beautiful, abundantly generous provider...

September 5 to 12, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter    Evening: Venus, Saturn  This week we experience the initiation of a far-reaching lunar month, one that carries the potential for amending our lives in the most beneficial and rewarding ways – if we are...