
Start-Up Accelerator Graduates 4th class on July 1, 2016. To register, please visit The Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA), an initiative of the Telluride Foundation, invites the community to come to the final presentations of four start-up ventures from the 2016 class and two returning TVA 2014 companies at...

The Telluride Institute Partners with Arizona State University on Major EPA Grant. Associated workshop is by invitation and will be held June 24 – 26 at the old Deep Creek School at 26 Deep Creek Road, 7 miles west of Telluride. For further information, contact...

Norwood High School senior Brayden Barkemeyer named Neil Armstrong Scholarship recipient. [caption id="attachment_59444" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Brayden Barkemeyer named Neil Armstrong Scholarship recipient. Pictured here with Paul Major, president & CEO, Telluride Foundation.[/caption] The end of the school year marks an exciting time for high school seniors, and many...

Thea Chase will lead regional effort and Marc Nager will join Telluride Foundation as VP Innovation and Direct TVA. [caption id="attachment_59392" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Thea Chase, leaving TVA to develop Southwest Innovation Corridor.[/caption] Now in its fourth year, the Telluride Foundation’s award-winning Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA) is expanding...

Want to start Independence Day off with a BANG? Yes? Then it’s time to register for the Telluride Foundation’s sixth annual Rundola footrace. The race takes place on July 4, starting at 8 a.m. Early bird prices are available through June 10, 10 p.m. MT. The Rundola is an uphill...

For more details and to register for these two Business at Elevation Events visit Business at Elevation: Funding for Business Start and Growth and Business at Elevation: Women in Business and Investment.   There is a lot that goes into starting, developing, and growing a business in rural San...

Cyclists can now register for the most beautiful road ride in Colorado. Event takes place Saturday, September 3, 2016. Early registration runs through June 6, 2016, but registration remains open up until the event. Go to for specifics about how to register. For questions, registration, help, and volunteer...

It is with great pleasure and excitement that at the end of each spring Telluride Arts gets to announce the selected artists who have been awarded funds through our Small Grants for Artists program. Small Grants support the innovation, creativity and professional development of individual artists living...

Telluride Foundation receives state and federal grants to develop southwest innovation corridor.Twofold support for regional entrepreneurs and Telluride Venture Accelerator expansion. The Telluride Foundation’s award-winning Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA) will soon be expanding its programs and collaborating with other regional business development organizations to create a...