Author: Jesse James McTigue

Last week I put my 5-½ year old daughter, Mollie, in skateboard camp. I also posted a picture of it on Facebook. All comments and “likes” from the national and international pool of friends, both real and virtual, who make up my FB world proved...

Athletic women often pride themselves on being low-maintenance. They assume that being physically strong and independent makes them so. They can go from hot yoga to a dinner out with a 5-minute, back-of-the-car wardrobe change and a few baby wipes – from a bike ride...

My grandfather used to say that family is like fish. They start to smell after three days. He was right. In my experience, three is the magic number when it comes to how many days to spend with family, especially on vacation and in shared...

Road biking has never been as cool as it is right now in Telluride. There are a few reasons for this, the most prominent being the arrival of the US Pro Cycling Tour in Telluride on August 20th. The world’s best riders will be in Telluride,...

Learning to ride a bike used to include training wheels and bloody knees. Not anymore. With products like the Skuut bike, Strider, and Tag-a-Long, it’s easier than ever to get kids riding bikes. Each of these products allows kids to play with balance before they’re...

I like to say that the only thing that can rival winter in the Rockies is summer in the Rockies. But, on hot summer days, I also crave refreshing ocean winds, cool water and a sandy beach. This summer, I’ve found two ways to bring...

The great outdoors has inspired writers to craft brilliant works of literature, artists to create brilliant masterpieces, and after what I’ve already witnessed this summer, I’d argue, moms and dads to deliver brilliant bits of parenting. A myriad of examples of brilliant parenting have occurred while...

Have you noticed that a lot of women, and more specifically moms, are entering weekend races? The moms I know seem to always be training for and planning excursions to participate in events ranging from relay runs, half marathons, bike races, triathlons, Cross Training competitions...

Editor's note: "Bidder 70" is yet another labor of love from a couple we consider local heroes. For over 15 years, George and Beth Gage have only made films that make a difference in the world, among them, "Fire On the Mountain," about the heroes...

"Lady B's First Winter"  is scheduled to screen at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday May 26th at High Camp and Monday May 28th at the Michael D. Palm Theater as part of the Kidz Kino beginning at 11a.m. Locals and visitors alike love Telluride MountainFilm Festival because it allows...