June 2014

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.“ Mark Twain Maria Popova, a Bulgarian writer and critic living in Brooklyn, New York and best known for one of my favorite blogs, brainpickings.org, offers up a post about something near and dear...

“What makes Adam Neiman a genuine rarity is that he plays with imagination and authority, not just an extra helping of technique. He was clearly born to be a pianist and is carrying out a destiny written in his genes,” Chicago Tribune Like the Telluride Playwrights...

Emma Janzen, a freelance drinks writer and photographer, discovers and reviews her 10 favorite absinthes in this post in the Serious Eats website. Which absinthe should you buy? It depends if you want traditional or new wave...

This week is all about wine and fine food as the 2014 Telluride Wine Festival gears up today for a full weekend of activities.  But I couldn't resist sharing the new promo video that I saw floating around the internet for the 33rd Annual Telluride Mushroom...

TSRC Town Talks take place Tuesday evenings, July 1 until August 19 6pm - 7:15pm What: TSRC Town Talks are an engaging, down-to-earth, annual summer lecture/discussion series in Telluride, Colorado presented by Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC). TSRC Town Talks are a public component of Telluride Science Research...

Recently there was an interesting article in National Geographic (April 2014) about wild/exotic pet ownership . The story discussed the motivation that drives people to own such pets as lions, kangaroos, lemurs, pythons, and more. (The piece also strongly emphasized the array of negative impacts upon the...

Here are several excerpts from a Scientific American article by Daniel A. Yudkin and Yaacov Trope about a recent paper that was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology that argues that different music encourages different frames of mind; it quite literally changes the way...

Here are several excerpts from a post by Carolyn Gregoire, a features editor at the Huffington Post, that offers an interesting analysis of The 10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently.  Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday lives. Steve Jobs...

New York Times writer, Larry Rohter, offers up an exellent article about 89 year old Nat Hentoff, the subject of a new Documentary Film by David L. Lewis. Early in “The Pleasures of Being Out of Step,” a documentary about the writer, critic and record producer...