June 2012

Editor's note: For those who may not have known the story, we introduced Indian Ridge Farm & Bakery last week with the first recipe from Barclay Daryani, co-owner. You can say "hi" to Barclay and husband Tony every Friday at the Indian Ridge stand at...

There’s a new race this summer in Telluride: The Nate Soules First Annual Memorial Fun Run and Kids Carnival. Organized by Rainbow Preschool’s Board, the race happens this Saturday, June 16, and raises money for Rainbow’s scholarship fund. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will...

Six organizations cited for outstanding work receive funding through Moving Mountains Awards Mountainfilm in Telluride held its 34th annual festival over Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-  May 28. The event aims to educate and inspire audiences on subjects that range from outdoor adventure and exploration to critical environmental, cultural...

Well almost. We are gearing up. At the last Telluride School Board meeting the addition of a Growing Spaces Growing Dome as a learning lab and contributor to the school food system was given final approval. The pursuit of a greenhouse for the school has been...

"A gorgeous, moving, wrenching, and ultimately uplifting story, the kind of film that opens the mind and heart so wide they can never close as tightly again," Martha Beck, Oprah magazine columnist and bestselling author. May and June are turning out to be big months for...

A night of fashion and design showcasing local wearable arts The brainchild of jewelry designer Christopher Beaver, Telluride Arts hosts a special evening to unveil new work by a select group of designers at Telluride’s newest and seriously hip art space, Gallery 81435, across the street...

Editor's Note: Better late than never. Gavin Anstey of Telluride Newbs dropped me a note saying he had missed this year's Lunar Cup event  – and this week's Monday deadline – because mom was in town. His video from last year's Lunar Cup should suffice,...

The beat of authentic, no-frills, Big Easy country music mixed with a strong shot of rockabilly will fill the halls of  Ridgway, Colorado's New Sherbino Theater, Sunday, June 17, starting at 7 p.m., when Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue – an award-winning, crowd-pleasing...

The great outdoors has inspired writers to craft brilliant works of literature, artists to create brilliant masterpieces, and after what I’ve already witnessed this summer, I’d argue, moms and dads to deliver brilliant bits of parenting. A myriad of examples of brilliant parenting have occurred while...