06 Apr 20 Daily Practices that Changed My Life – Camille Willemain
Here’s a thoughtful article, 20 Daily Practices that Changed My Life, that appeared in the Elephant Journal by Camille Willemain; a coconut-loving, barefoot, beach bum who finds bliss exploring the endless possibilities of the Earth. She aims to inspire people to release their fears, chase their dreams, and do everything in life with intention.
I can recall many times I made lists of resolutions in December only to forget them by February:
“Stop biting your fingernails.
Learn to relax.
Find a career that you love”
Despite my good intentions, it wasn’t until I made a huge transition—booking a one-way ticket to Costa Rica two Januaries ago—that my life really began to change. But it wasn’t living in the remote jungle that caused me to magically change.
Real change happens from the inside out, not the outside in.
In fact, what travel has taught me more than anything, is that wherever I go, there I am. When I’m in a world where the only constant is me, it becomes spectacularly obvious where—internally—I struggle or thrive.
So how did I transition from an anxious, workaholic, serial monogamist into a beach-bumming, solo female, world traveler?
Thousands of miles from the people and the patterns of my past, with more free time than I knew what to do with, I began to evaluate my daily habits and decided how I wanted to change them. In the process, I developed a set of daily practices. When I find myself slipping from myself, falling into past patterns of unhappiness, or feeling overcome with anxiety, I come back to these. Perhaps we can practice them together?
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